What’s Your Purpose ?

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.                               Proverbs 19:21  NIV

Do you ever feel like some part of your life is unraveling   Or, you are losing control of matters you once had in your firmly in your command?  Could it actually be a sign that your life is healing and your prayers are being answered, in GOD’S terms?  Yet, in our humanity, our first instinct is to securely cling to whatever seems to be slipping-away from our constrictor death-grip of various life circumstances and try to change or fix things.

Could it be that you have, finally learned to “Let Go … and Let God?”

(he has been patiently waiting for you to relinquish your controlling death-grip on things and drop those reins so he can take charge the way he’s Always wanted.  However, your Lord and Father is a just, and true gentleman – he allows you to ‘choose!’)

When you pray, STOP for a moment and review what you’ve prayed for.  Did you pray for a better relationship?  Perhaps the present one is ending because you decided it has served its’ purpose.   Did you ask for a different job?  Well, might it be that in giving-up your present job, a new opportunity is cultivating a solid stepping-stone leading to a new door p you can confidently walk through to your next career?  Have you ended-up with teenagers that run you over?  Should you to talk with your eternal Father to get his wise guidance?

Dynamic, fruitful, change can be threatening and intimidating. That’s why regular constant prayer is essential, as it brings you moment-by-moment peace and direction so you can think clearly and become bolder as you are focusing on building a deeper, much more intimate relationship with your everlasting Father God. 

Instead of being paralyzed by fear or misguided beliefs that you are losing charge, might it be wiser to use that fear to become empowered and take inspired action to reinforce your envisioned outcome?

“My Father God, thank you for giving me the steadfast resolve and the bold strength to leave conditions which are completed or which no longer serve your Purpose for my highest good.”  Even when it has taken me way too long to ‘Let Go’ so I can gain your power and loving guidance ~ you still held-out your embracing arms to catch me when, at long last, I fell into your sweet and humble Graces. 

“Thank you for helping me to focus upon this present and decisive moment leading me to feel empowered to take action from a place of love having a healthy mindset grounded in spiritual confidence.  “Thank you for quietly taking charge ~ lovingly leading me forward to live a more contented and Purposeful Life!”  ‘Thank you for YOUR Perfect Plans offering a “Hope” and a “Prosperous Future.”

  “Amen and Amen”

“I know in my Heart that Man is good, that which is Right will always Triumph, and there is Purpose and Worth to each and every life.”     RONALD REAGAN ~ 1982


GROWING IN CHRIST,                                             

Jennifer Lewis   

“Thank You Kindly for allowing me to take your time!”                                   Please Leave your message/comments below.                                                        Have a ‘Peaceful’ And reLAXING Day 🤎  






Jennifer Kay Lewis

 “ … who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”                                                 II Corinthians 1:4

As has been my ‘norm’, I choose to open my writing(s) with a Scripture.  In order to write intelligently and share this post, I want to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit moving in and through me as I compose this and share my true accounts of the past several months.

I would like to address my loyal followers, as well everyone who may read my stories and enjoys my writing(s.)   Please understand the challenges I face in my typing, writing, and final editing.

It all began with, what was supposed to be a ‘routine’ eye-exam last February, 2015.  (knowing my own eyes and the extremely high-power needed to correct my near-sighted vision, along with other complications I have had through the years, I decided I needed to see a ‘Specialist’.  After research, a referral landed me the exact ‘someone.’

Dr. F. holds a lengthy resume noting on-going knowledge and he continues to gain expertise dealing with my specific ‘medical issues.’

In April, 2015, I had surgery on my right eye to remove the ‘precancerous lesion’ growing in my eye.  Praises to our Lord!  That surgery went well.  Although it took several weeks for the ‘red’ to diminish, the white portion of my eye, {the Sclera}, finally, became dominant replacing the unattractive redness.

                                                                  “ Let People Know Your Experiences.                                                                                                                  Something you have been through just may help someone else. ”                                                 Pastor Steve Irwin ~ Cedar Rapids, IA 

During my initial follow-up visits with Dr. F. , a growing cataract was discovered .                    Dr. F. had previously informed me, “a cataract is a ‘normal’ manifestation resulting from any kind of “trauma” to the eye, (including surgery).”                           Image result for cataracts

However, there was no way for me to really understand what this would mean.  In coming weeks, it became more clear, or should I say “it became less clear” as my vision was clouding more and more leading to a Vaseline-like ‘film’  hindering my sight.

The biggest issue for me became too real and undeniable for me as this ‘progression’ of the cataract growth began to rapidly affect my ability to see to type on my laptop, compose/write, edit, and retype my work.  (you see ~ I’ m rather like a perfectionist in my writing(s).  I take great pride in trying to submit an article that is free of gross mistakes and I like to feel certain that my writing(s) are published exempt of errors.)

Over the past ten-months, Dr. F. has continued to closely monitor the cataract and has kept his vigil eye on evolving changes.  The increasing transformation has created numerous alterations to my eyesight.

On February 9th, 2017, Dr. F. advised, “at this point, insurance will pay to have this cataract surgically removed and replaced with a permanent lens.  Then, because you are extremely near-sighted, you qualify to have the other  eye operated on as well.  And, you will need this procedure dImage result for cataractsone because your brain will be working overtime trying to “focus” the two drastically different measurements (prescriptions) in eyesight.”   Dr. F. advised that he will complete the second-eye surgery about two-weeks after the first surgery.

In the coming weeks and months, I will be facing surgeries on both eyes.  To further matters, I am in the process of getting approved for a secured, apartment so also plan to fun move in the next few weeks.

My confidence remains quite high in that I will turn this “trauma” into a victorious “testimony” reflecting God’s divine healing powers!

Having a few major things on my horizon, I hope you will Image result for smiley prayingappreciate my efforts to keep writing, as best I can in my human power.  And, PLEASE, PLEASE remember me in your prayers.  “Thank you Kindly!”

Growing In Christ,

Jennifer (Jen) Lewis






Jennifer K. Lewis

Memory …the Diary “We All Carry About With Us.  Oscar Wilde

It was a hot, muggy day in August.  For four high-spirited kids, the heat of the day never pushed our brakes.  Excitedly, the Lewis crew scampered to the back-forty to discover whatever we could muster.

As usual, we had no clue what we were looking for, but it really didn’t matter ~ we would know when we stumbled-upon the finding.  The natural grounds of the unsoiled back-woods always provided abundant hunts and pacified active children’s quests.

We were joyfully skipping and frolicking along at the edge of the majestic cornfield.   Near the edge of the cornfield, a rambling creek twisted and winded its way through the woods.  This creek was so cool!  It narrowly began at the far west corner of our land and continued to widen as it rambled through nearly forty acres.  The widening creek joined forces with a much larger creek at the distant east corner of our acreage.

“You are A Child Of God … You Are Dearly Loved, and Precious In His Sight, Before God Made You … He Knew You.  There Is No One Else Like You.”          Psalm 139:16 

Image result for little girl playing by creekMy big sister, Colleen and I decided to go wading in the creek to cool off. Sliding down the eroded embankment, Colleen felt something sharp stick her in backside.  Then, low-and-behold, it almost jumped-out at us … we found what we thought was an arrowhead.   (arrowheads are mighty hard to come by – even when you are hunting them; nevertheless, we were lucky to unearth this bright, colorful arrowhead.  (usually, arrowheads are found in or near creeks because the Indians made their camps along these water sources.)  It even had the full point and was in pristine condition.

We knew our all-knowing Dad could confirm our mysterious find!                                               (Dad knew everything). Momma could identify it too!                                                                                         (they were actually pretty smart ~ for old people).

“In His Grace, God Has Given Us Different Gifts  For Doing Certain Things Well.”                                                                                                                 Romans 12:6-8

Brother Kerry was laughing as he darted in and out of the rows of cornImage result for boy with cornstalk.  It seemed the brothers were busy playing some silly game.

For some strange reason, the boys had targeted a specific cornstalk.  With persistent determination, they pulled and twisted it until it finally broke free as the deep roots had stretched into the solid ground.

Billy started waving the cornstalk around pretending it was a ‘flag.’  Bill held the long stalk high up in the air and kept waving it back-n-forth yelling, “flag”, “flag.”

(I couldn’t help but giggle at his way-out-there imagination!)  (Billy got excellent grades in school and all the rest of us Lewis kids could reason was that his bizarre imagination had been culminated as a result of some scientific or biological event, (or something like that.)  Billy always ‘challenged things’ and played on the extreme fringes.

We were just too hot.  Mom said she was making a Big pitcher of lemonade for us whenever we got back to the house.  Last night, Mom had helped Colleen and I make a double batch of old-fashioned oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies.

Visions of indulging in several thick nutty cookies along with a tall, glass of cold lemonade sure invited our appetites.   (after all, we had been playing really hard).

Kerry exclaimed, “last one back to the house is a rotten egg!”  So, we started running as fast as our little legs would go …

“I want to go back to believing in everything and knowing nothing.”    Dr. Seuss

Growing In Christ,                                                                                     Emoticon Smiley Emoji Heart Emoji Apaixonado Vt9gc Image Provided -  EpiCentro Festival

Jennifer K. Lewis

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“Thank You So much for allowing me to take your time.”                                                                            “May our Lord God Richly Bless Your Life!”

~ DASH ~


Jennifer K. Lewis

“I Am Alive With Christ.”  Ephesians 2:5

 A few years ago, I chose to mature my faith by joining a very active and growing ministry.  Our group focused heavily in the power(s) of the Holy Spirit which Jesus left us to enjoy.

That particular ministry became like a family in that as each member became a familiar person in the ‘fold’.  Our personal bonds deepened as we chose to focus on our common denominator, serving others and worshiping Christ.

We celebrated Christmas by going up and down streets stopping in welcoming homes to sing Christmas carols.  We were thrilled to provide scrumptious nut-breads, colorful candies and holiday cookies for local homeless shelters and our community Salvation Army.

As temperatures climbed and the Spring months matured, we embraced the warming rays of sunlight as the cold temps of Iowa gradually melted and liquefied longstanding snow(s.)

One of the ladies, Mary Beth, had pioneered the genesis of the group.  The ‘normal’ dynamics of our group quickly changed.  She experienced the sudden loss of her Father.

Mary Beth invited our ministry to be at the funeral.  She was greatly admired, and respected in our group.  We united as a sacred assembly desiring to give our Respects to her Air Force Dad.

It has been my experience(s) in the funerals I have attended, most of them are rather sad and ‘down’ in spirits.  Everybody is crying.  People embrace like there is no tomorrow. Strangers hug one-another, even though they don’t know their neighbor!

But, this funeral was different from the get-go.  (we’ll call him James Doe ~ John Doe’s brother).  There was a HUGE sign near the coffer at the front of the auditorium.  It read:  James Doe “it’s about the DASH.”  (Born June, 1926 –Heaven Bound March, 2014.)

James’ children and several grandchildren sang touching hymns, and shared happy stories and memories of their beloved Dad and Grandfather.  Apparently, James liked to entertain the kids by making whimsical animal balloons.  (one of his Grandchildren shared a poignant yet, funny, story of how her Grandpa had made numerous balloon animals for different occasions.)  (by the way, James’ casket was lined with artsy, animal shaped balloons.)Image result for balloon animals images

As the service progressed, I learned the meaning of the ‘DASH’.  It’s simple!  The year you were born ,- DASH -, then the date you passed-away.  The ‘DASH’ is representative of the years in between your birth and death.  DASH will define itself in the manner of life you chose.

Being a military funeral, he was in full dress uniform.  James was revered by a color-guard of valiant Air Force men who formed a noble arched walkway with their swords at the entry/exit of the building.

After the oddly, happy funeral, I noticed many family members still smiling!  (of course, there were tears, but folks remained jovial.)  A few minutes later, fellow Air Force members proudly escorted James’ wife and family to awaiting cars for the honorable procession.

It’s About the -DASH-.  What about yours?  What do YOU want it to say?

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One life, the still small voice, Gently pleads for a better choice
Bidding me selfish aims to leave, And to God’s holy will to cleave;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.

Only one life, yes only one, Now let me say,” Thy will be done”;
And when at last I’ll hear the call, I know I’ll say “twas worth it all”;
Only one life,’ twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last ”                                   http://paulhockley.com/2016/05/24/quote-only-one-life-twill-soon-be-past-poem                -by-c-t-studd/

Image result for billy graham My Hope is in Heaven image

 “I Am Raised-up With Christ and Seated in Heavenly Places.”  Colossians 2:12

Growing In Christ,

Jennifer K. Lewis

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“Thank You So Much!

May Our Savior Richly Bless Your Life!

Image result for smiley heart images



Jennifer Kay Lewis

                                  “Many People Will Praise God Because You Obey The Good News …                                                           and Because You Freely Share With Them And With All Others.”   2 Cor 9:12

Last week, I Prayerfully chose to share my personal story with you about this ‘diagnosed’ Spinal Cerebellar Ataxia.  Can we continue to share and learn together?

As usual, my day was jam-packed with well-orchestrated activities.  On this crisp Sunday morning, my foster girls and I had enjoyed a compassionate and inspiring Sunday morning church sermon.  Then, home to devour a savoring beef-roast, potatoes, and carrots and culminating in cherry pie the girls helped prepare.

(You uniquely created me and have continued to mature me in your knowledge.)  My Lord blessed me with a confident athletic ‘run free’ spirit that has served to give me a hunger for your ‘protecting strength.’  “Thank You Father God for guiding me to undoubtedly endure and resist earning a rusty mind and body.)


An unannounced awareness by an innocent caring little 6-year old foster child became an integral part of my day.  (Kayla must have just ‘sensed’ I had a need for assistance at that precise moment.)

We were going downstairs to the children’s playroom. For some unfathomable reason, my feet were not firmly landing on each descending step.  Kayla came to my rescue.  This wee child became my Super Woman!  She swiftly took my hand to make sure I was safely navigating the stairs until we reached the solid floor.

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For He Will Command His Angels Concerning You To Guard You In All Your Ways;   “They Will Lift You Up In Their Hands, So You Will Not Strike Your Foot Against A Stone.”                             Psalm 91:10-12

 When you are facing a serious catastrophic crisis, no matter what the issue may be, you will find your truest family, and or friends are just like the ‘cream’ of milk, they will ‘rise’ to the top providing your ‘unconditional’ love list.

I always find it rather, paradoxical how God chooses to position and use someone else’s circumstances in order to change another person’s life.  Then, to further his divine hand of intervention, he may help them see how the ‘temporary’ things that are only of this secular world and will not have a ‘home’ in his eternal Kingdom.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.  “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.”   Isaiah 55:8-9

My Prayer: “Father God, help me to become the Christian Lady that fearlessly shares, and freely gives of myself.  Please ‘examine my Heart,’ and know my sincerest intention to, hopefully, encourage and give inspiration  to another hurting person!  Let my ‘walk’ to freedom be a humble testimony that says:  “if she can do it – I CAN do it.”  Give me a new ‘Boldness’ to truly seek after you and know it’s okay to ‘Let Go and “Let God.”   I Pray to be ‘set free’ and when this day DOES happen, I KNOW that my God WILL remove these chains I’ve allowed to bind me.

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Growing In Christ,



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Jennifer Kay Lewis

“And They Overcame Him By the Blood Of The Lamb and by the Word Of Their Testimony.”     Rev. 12:11

After much thoughtful prayer and encouragement from a close friend, and a woman of God, I have decided to share my personal walk with this man-made ‘diagnosis’ of Spinal Cerebellar Ataxia.  I would like to educate my readers about a disease that I have progressively walked with for years.

“Who are You?”  You are a Child Of God.  So am I!  Therefore, with a huge ‘leap of faith’ I would like to share my personal chronicles and provide a ‘testimony’ so that maybe I can help inform, encourage and inspire another.

“Perhaps the biggest problem with this disease is that it can so easily be misdiagnosed. A vitamin B deficiency, dementia, or Parkinson’s disease could be given as a wrong diagnosis.”                                 http://spinocerebellarataxia.org/spinocerebellar-degeneration.com.

Personally, I was diagnosed in 2004.  Doctors have informed me “we do not know the exact ‘type’ of Ataxia you have.  This SCA, affects my ‘balance’, walking, muscles, nerves, and has gradually weakened fine motor skills. Image result for only 10% of people know about ataxia imagesIn 1998, my first journey led me to Mayo’s in Rochester, MN.  Doctors ordered an MRI, performed an uncomfortable lumbar puncture, and evaluated countless blood-tests, hoping to define my symptoms.  The calendar counted days for about a year.  I went back to Mayo’s to be seen by a ‘team’ of specialists in the neurosciences.  (unfortunately, more scientific tests revealed no answer.)  Several more months passed before taking me to the next stop:    Washington Medical School/ Teaching University in St. Louis, MO.  The panel of doctors I saw there are among the best in the nation.  (Another MRI and numerous blood tests were all negative for suspected MS and Parkinson diseases).  Yet, another year came and went.   I ventured to UCLA in Los Angeles, CA.  (their 290 research centers are well-renowned).  After extensive aggressive tests, they eliminated many supposed diseases and disorders.  Finally, in 2004, my last effort proved successful.  The University of Iowa in Iowa City, IA would provide an answer.  Specialists  in Neurology there performed a battery of comprehensive examinations including another lumbar puncture, an MRI, and many more blood tests.  They diagnosed me with Spinal Cerebellar Ataxia, (SCA).

“She is clothed with strength and dignity,  and she laughs without fear of the future.”                                                                                      Proverbs 31:25

Image result for “Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created.”

“Due to the fact that SCA sufferers know that this disease is not curable, it is important to show them utmost care. The discomforts and frustrations experienced by SCA sufferers are often extensive. Friends and family members must show their support at all times, helping the patient to live an as close to normal life as possible.” http://spinocerebellarataxia.org/spinocerebellar-degeneration.com



“Whenever you feel unloved, unimportant, or insecure,  remember to whom you belong.”                                                                     Ephesians 2:19-22

My Prayer: “Father God, only you know my future.  In your eyes, my life is like a spectacular parade.  I can see only a block or two, however, you can see from the beginning to the end!”  Replace my unsettled thoughts with your solid words that “promise me a hope and a Prosperous Future” and offer your Blessed Assurance.                                                                 Let my life be a Rainbow in someone else’s cloud.”

“Each patient will soon learn their limitations. The important thing will be for friends and family members to help them to feel comfortable, cheerful and wanted. Unconditional love has always proven itself as a healer.”                             http://spinocerebellarataxia.org/spinocerebellar-degeneration.com

            “Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created.”  Esther 4:14

Image result for  “Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created.”

Growing In Christ,


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“Thank You So much for taking your time to read my true story.”