What’s Your Purpose ?

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.                               Proverbs 19:21  NIV

Do you ever feel like some part of your life is unraveling   Or, you are losing control of matters you once had in your firmly in your command?  Could it actually be a sign that your life is healing and your prayers are being answered, in GOD’S terms?  Yet, in our humanity, our first instinct is to securely cling to whatever seems to be slipping-away from our constrictor death-grip of various life circumstances and try to change or fix things.

Could it be that you have, finally learned to “Let Go … and Let God?”

(he has been patiently waiting for you to relinquish your controlling death-grip on things and drop those reins so he can take charge the way he’s Always wanted.  However, your Lord and Father is a just, and true gentleman – he allows you to ‘choose!’)

When you pray, STOP for a moment and review what you’ve prayed for.  Did you pray for a better relationship?  Perhaps the present one is ending because you decided it has served its’ purpose.   Did you ask for a different job?  Well, might it be that in giving-up your present job, a new opportunity is cultivating a solid stepping-stone leading to a new door p you can confidently walk through to your next career?  Have you ended-up with teenagers that run you over?  Should you to talk with your eternal Father to get his wise guidance?

Dynamic, fruitful, change can be threatening and intimidating. That’s why regular constant prayer is essential, as it brings you moment-by-moment peace and direction so you can think clearly and become bolder as you are focusing on building a deeper, much more intimate relationship with your everlasting Father God. 

Instead of being paralyzed by fear or misguided beliefs that you are losing charge, might it be wiser to use that fear to become empowered and take inspired action to reinforce your envisioned outcome?

“My Father God, thank you for giving me the steadfast resolve and the bold strength to leave conditions which are completed or which no longer serve your Purpose for my highest good.”  Even when it has taken me way too long to ‘Let Go’ so I can gain your power and loving guidance ~ you still held-out your embracing arms to catch me when, at long last, I fell into your sweet and humble Graces. 

“Thank you for helping me to focus upon this present and decisive moment leading me to feel empowered to take action from a place of love having a healthy mindset grounded in spiritual confidence.  “Thank you for quietly taking charge ~ lovingly leading me forward to live a more contented and Purposeful Life!”  ‘Thank you for YOUR Perfect Plans offering a “Hope” and a “Prosperous Future.”

  “Amen and Amen”

“I know in my Heart that Man is good, that which is Right will always Triumph, and there is Purpose and Worth to each and every life.”     RONALD REAGAN ~ 1982


GROWING IN CHRIST,                                             

Jennifer Lewis   

“Thank You Kindly for allowing me to take your time!”                                   Please Leave your message/comments below.                                                        Have a ‘Peaceful’ And reLAXING Day 🤎  




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